The new technology is fearful. In the case of 5G, it is argued with a lack of knowledge about the impact of the application of new frequencies on human health and… birds. According to reports from foreign media in the Dutch Hague, the first 5G base station was launched, using the 7.4 GHz band and killed 337 starlings and 2 pigeons. How much truth is there?
Let’s start with the facts. The truth is that something difficult to explain has happened in The Hague. From October 19 to November 3, almost 340 dead birds were found in The Hague. They were mainly starlings. The authorities suspected that the birds were poisoned. Therefore, a ban on dogs was introduced in the nearby park and the birds were examined. The Office of Food Safety and Consumer Products excluded 2 viruses, which most often cause death of birds. Further research will be carried out by universities in various cities. However, local “journalists” found the cause of the death of birds. At the same time, a 5G test base station was launched at the nearby station. I must admit that if it was true, then we would have to deal with quite a nice technological curiosity. Why? In source materials, the 7.4 GHz frequency is mentioned. However, there is one problem with it.
Nobody in the world tests 5G in the 7.4 GHz band
In the same way, I could not find anywhere information about the 5G tests conducted at The Hague. That is why the death of birds is still a mystery, and the accusations directed towards the new technology of mobile communication are not covered by facts. In addition, the Netherlands is in no hurry to implement 5G. The frequency auction for the 5G network was planned for 2019. At the same time, no one is going to launch new networks using the 7.4 GHz frequency band.
5G in the Netherlands and other European countries will use the following bands: 3400 MHz – 3800 MHz, 700 MHz and 26 GHz. The first auctions will concern the 3.4 GHz – 3.8 GHz frequency. This choice is dictated by two premises. The first one is a compromise between the width of available channels and the range of a single base station. The second concerns the level of advancement of the work of telecommunications equipment manufacturers on new technology. They focus on antennas and radio modules using the already mentioned frequencies. Additionally, 5G is not the first technology that will use the 3400 MHz band – 3800 MHz. They use the WiMAX system, which, surprisingly, has never been accused of the murder of birds.
Source: SOTT